Filing for bankruptcy is a great way to get out from under your debt. Most people get relief after their bankruptcy case is over. With the help of a professional bankruptcy lawyer, you can determine which type of bankruptcy is right for you, and have yours filed properly. A bankruptcy lawyer is available to answer any questions about the process ahead, and is your source of support during this difficult time.
Factors Affecting Someone’s Bankruptcy Case
The difficulty of your particular bankruptcy case will depend on which type you’re considering, whether you will want to sell any of your property, the type of debt you have (and how much), if you own a small business and if you’re married. These are just some of the more complications and factors that can make bankruptcy more difficult to settle.
What They Do for You
A professional bankruptcy lawyer will work on your behalf. They will help you to make an informed decision on which bankruptcy type to file, they file the necessary paperwork and see the entire process through. They understand what paperwork is necessary, and the documents that must be included to make the case go as streamlined as possible. They will represent you at the hearings too.
They will protect your property. They can deal with all of your debt and handle each creditor if they are contacting you for payments, even after an automatic stay has been filed. They can deal with any repossessions that you keep as well. They can also help guide you on the mandatory credit counseling classes that must be done in association with a bankruptcy filing.
Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Bankruptcy in Florida Today
When you’re considering bankruptcy in Florida, Mancuso Law, P.A. can help you. We serve the Boca Raton, FL area. We provide consultations where you can learn about our experience, our services and answer any questions you have about the upcoming process. To learn more about your bankruptcy options and to schedule a consultation with our professional attorney, call 561-245-4705 our law office today.